.Asia Auctions Ticker

Pool Week 1 Commentary include top.asia, image.asia and why.asia

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1. top.asia

Top.asia could fit many types of businesses - an apparel shop, a customer review site, a electronics company, etc. With this generic name, a business could be easily built around the name. The key would be to ensure there is a proactive marketing strategy to increase traffic. 
2.  links.asia

This domain seems like a good fit for a computer or web services company. Additionally, it could provide an opportunity for online advertising revenue.

3.  image.asia

There are so many options with this domain name! Image.asia could be a great fit for a travel site to provide information on Asia-specific destinations, promoting Asia's image. It could also be a great digital photo-sharing site. Again, the success of this domain would be dependent upon proper marketing. 

4.  message.asia

This one seems like a no-brainer. Message.asia is the ideal generic domain name for an email application or communication platform.

5.  why.asia

Why.asia has wonderful potential as a name for a search engine or an information-rich website. There would be many excellent opportunities to leverage such a site with online advertisers.

6.  source.asia

Given that this is a fairly general term, source.asia could become the online "source" for a multitude of goods, services or information. The revenue potential would depend solely on the business model the owner chooses. It should be noted however that there could be some confusion between the domain and " The Source" a trademarked electronics store in North America.

7.  card.asia

The clear association with card.asia would be for an online greeting card company. In North America, this seems to be a crowded market. However, an online greeting card company catering to the Asian market could have big potential to generate online advertisement revenues.

8.  idea.asia

There is no clear commercial endeavor associated with idea.com. It could, however, be associated with intellectual property organization or non-profit campaign.  

9.  kit.asia

Kit.asia is such a generic name that it could be used for many commercial purposes. Car kits, art supply kits, and shaving kits immediately come to mind. However, the name is so generic that it may not seem intuitive for type-in traffic.

10. advertisement.asia

The most obvious association with advertisement.asia is with an online advertising or marketing firm. Conversely, it could be made into a directory of such firms in Asia.

11. trust.asia

This domain name does not seem to have much commercial potential unless it is associated with a bank or trust company in Asia.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by pool published on May 23, 2008 8:19 AM.

Ename Week 1 Appraisals include idea.asia , link.asia and card.asia was the previous entry in this blog.

Sedo Week 1 Appraisals include funny.asia, kungfu.asia is the next entry in this blog.

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