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.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: 08.07.2008 (Half Page Spread)
.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: 08.07.2008 (Full Page Spread)

Week 3 Winner

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The Hot or Not contest entered its third week this time and again the list brought out some extremely eye-catchy names. Generic names like Computer.asia, new.asia and auto.asia would be odds on favorites to be right up there with the highest bid amount but yet again much like what happened the week before, another name stole the limelight. Southeast.asia with a ending price of US$ 20,500 was the surprise domain name with the highest end price. One contestant from USA was the special winner this time and his prediction of US$ 33,000 was quite close as well. Two more weeks of drama remain and to be part of it, please go to www.think.asia and key in your choice.  

careers.asia 以13,000美元最高價跑出!

Week 2 Winner第二階段勝出者係一位喺澳洲嘅心理學家- Dr. Lillian Nejad。Lillian睇準亞洲求職市場龐大,估中最高拍賣價嘅careers.asia,果然眼光獨到。Lillian可獨得現金獎1,000美元,更可額外獲贈心水域名www.mycreditcards.asia 並享十年免費使用,真係恭喜哂!
.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: 01.07.2008 (Full Page Spread)

Week 2 Winner

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The second week of the Hot or Not contest had some very interesting names indeed. The likes of medicine.asia and best.asia were sure to be safe bets but it was careers.asia that came out on top with a highest bid of US$ 13,000. There was only one contestant who predicted that this name would get the highest bid. It was a very brave decision taking into account the number of excellent names there were in the pool for that week. The winner receives US$ 1,000. There are still 3 more chances for everyone to win the weekly prize and a huge Grand Prize at the end. Simply log on to www.think.asia to join.

Resorts.asia 以22,501美元最高價跑出!

Week 1 Winner[2008年6月25日‧香港] 第一階段勝出者係一位在港工作嘅馬來西亞人仕李文涵 (Xavier Lee)。原來Xavier都係因為睇PCM先知道呢個活動,而且佢每星期都會買PCM留意最新行情。作為首次參與域名估價活動,Xavier心得係睇多啲 www.Think.Asia網站上面嘅專家意見及留意同類域名拍賣嘅賣價,而結果Xavier估中最高拍賣價嘅Resorts.Asia嘅估價20,000美元亦同真正成交價22,501美元十分接近,果真眼光獨到。

Xavier更以商業角度分析域名價值,主要在於域名能否轉化為商業概念,好似 Book.Asia﹐Golfing.Asia﹐StockMarkets.Asia等等。如果有商業價值,自然多人出高價競投啦!

1.  search.asia

This has a lot of potential as a good generic. The term "search" could be used in a wide variety of contexts. From personal and business telephone listings to search engine crawling, people are always looking for something. This could also be a great domain name for an already established search engine to use as a name that is associated with its brand in the Asian/Pacific region.

1.  search.asia (搜索)

  • Estimated Value of US$ 11,000
  • 单词搜索,可用作搜索引擎域名之用。
1.  expert.asia (Experte)

  • Estimated Value of 1300 EUR (US$ 2010), One word domain name which is nice to have especially for campaigns.

  • Dieser Domainname kann für speziell angelgte Kampagnen genutzt werden. Er ist ebenfalls interessant für Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Consulting/Unternehmensberatung.

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