.Asia Auctions Ticker

Kelvin: June 2008 Archives

Resorts.asia 以22,501美元最高價跑出!

Week 1 Winner[2008年6月25日‧香港] 第一階段勝出者係一位在港工作嘅馬來西亞人仕李文涵 (Xavier Lee)。原來Xavier都係因為睇PCM先知道呢個活動,而且佢每星期都會買PCM留意最新行情。作為首次參與域名估價活動,Xavier心得係睇多啲 www.Think.Asia網站上面嘅專家意見及留意同類域名拍賣嘅賣價,而結果Xavier估中最高拍賣價嘅Resorts.Asia嘅估價20,000美元亦同真正成交價22,501美元十分接近,果真眼光獨到。

Xavier更以商業角度分析域名價值,主要在於域名能否轉化為商業概念,好似 Book.Asia﹐Golfing.Asia﹐StockMarkets.Asia等等。如果有商業價值,自然多人出高價競投啦!

.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: 23.06.2008 (Left-Right Page Spread)


DotAsia Steps-up Commitment to Relief.Asia with Charity Auctions

Guangzhou, 17 June 2008 - Relief.Asia today delivered a second batch of GPS personal tracking and SOS devices to the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau to be used in relief and rebuild efforts in the Sichuan earthquake and the recent Guangdong floods. The GPS personal tracking and SOS devices - Peace On HandTM -- developed by Navia Corporation, allow relief workers to stay in communication and provide a safety beacon in case relief teams are trapped in aftershocks and landslides.

.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: 17.06.2008 (Left-Right Page Spread)
Last week the first of 5 Weekly Prizes of US$1,000 found its winner.  The winning contestant correctly identified the winning domain: "resorts.asia", and was most accurate in his appraisal for the winning price at US$20,000 (the actual auction price was US$22,501).  While we congratulate the winner, the contest continues with 4 more Weekly Prizes of US$1,000 each and a Grand Prize of US$10,000.  Enter to win, find expert opinions and check out the live auction ticker at: www.think.asia.

.Asia Hot-or-Not Contest First Weekly Prize Winning Domain: resorts.asia

GMA2008.Asia Attracts Millions of Hits, Drives .Asia Adoption

Hong Kong, 16 June 2008 - DotAsia Organisation announced today total registration for .Asia domains are expected to exceed a quarter of a million by the end of the first quarter after its public launch .  Proceeds from the .Asia Sunrise and Landrush auctions have already exceeded US$3M and rising, demonstrating strong demand and growth value for .Asia domains.
.Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest Advertisement
Publication Date: June.2008 (Half-Page)

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Kelvin in June 2008.

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