.Asia Auctions Ticker

.Asia Hot-or-Not Contest First Weekly Prize Winning Domain: resorts.asia

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Last week the first of 5 Weekly Prizes of US$1,000 found its winner.  The winning contestant correctly identified the winning domain: "resorts.asia", and was most accurate in his appraisal for the winning price at US$20,000 (the actual auction price was US$22,501).  While we congratulate the winner, the contest continues with 4 more Weekly Prizes of US$1,000 each and a Grand Prize of US$10,000.  Enter to win, find expert opinions and check out the live auction ticker at: www.think.asia.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kelvin published on June 16, 2008 10:40 AM.

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Pool Week 4 Commentary include sale.asia, loans.asia and seo.asia is the next entry in this blog.

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