.Asia Auctions Ticker

Contest Rules 參賽詳情

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Contest Details:

  1. Please visit www.think.asia.
  2. This contest is open to anyone 18 years of age and above
  3. Each participant may only submit one (1) entry with a maximum of six (6) choices of domains and their corresponding prices.
  4. DotAsia will publish the list of .Asia domain names in auction on www.think.asia to allow anyone from the world to take part in this contest.
  5. Participant with an entry which correctly identifies the highest-priced .Asia domain name and its winning price (or closest to the winning price) in the auction will be considered a qualifier.  A qualifier needs to correctly answer a trivia question related to domain appraisal knowledge in order to win the contest.  If a qualifier fails to answer or incorrectly answers the question, s/he will lose the contest.  The next qualifier in line (who submitted an entry with the next closest price) will then be asked a trivia question for his/her chance to win the contest.  This process will continue until a winner is produced.
  6. If there are multiple entries that are equally close to the winning price of the highest-priced domain, there will be multiple qualifiers, which would be considered semi-finalists.
  7. If there are more than five (5) semi-finalists, DotAsia will send to all semi- finalists, via email, a trivia question related to domain appraisal knowledge.  Semi-finalists who fail to answer the question correctly or fail to respond in time will be eliminated.  Additional rounds of trivia questions will be run until five (5) or less semi-finalists remain.  Remaining semi-finalists will be considered finalists.
  8. Finalists will be invited to a real-time Q&A session to determine the winner. Questions will be related to DotAsia and domain name appraisal.  Details of the Q&A will be furnished later.
  9. If for any reason an auction needs to be prolonged, DotAsia will announce the highest bid based on the result on the day of the contest deadline.

Contest Rules:

  1. DotAsia will notify winners via email
  2. All information provided by participant will be used for contest purpose only
  3. Persons excluded from participation are: (a) employees and directors of DotAsia; and (b) persons who are immediate family members of DotAsia
  4. By participating in the contest with the submission of an entry, the participant declares that he/she agrees to and shall comply with these Terms and Conditions.
  5. DotAsia reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify, at any point in time, any submission that does not comply with the requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions without notification.
DotAsia reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend the contest terms and conditions if necessary and its decision shall be final. 


  1. 登入網址﹕www.think.asia
  2. 年滿18歲以上人仕方可參加。
  3. 每人只可參加1次,每次可估最多6個域名及其勝出的拍賣價。
  4. 主辦單位將於www.think.asia公佈有關域名拍賣名單,公開讓全球網友估出各階段之最高拍賣價。
  5. 參賽者必須從.Asia拍賣域名名單中估中最高價域名及其拍賣價(如沒人估中拍賣價則以最接近者為勝),並需回答有關域名知識問題,答中方可獲獎,如未能回答或答錯將不能獲獎,機會將給予下一位估中域名及估出最接近拍賣價的參賽者
  6. 如多於1人估中域名並估出同樣接近的拍賣價,而人數多於5人,主辦單位將進行半總決賽,透過電郵向入圍者發問問題,入圍者需於指定時間內回覆,答中最多問題為勝出者,半總決賽將一直進行直到勝出者人數等於或少於5人,才進行總決賽。
  7. 總決賽將以即時問答比賽形式進行,問題將是有關DotAsia及域名估價,詳情將容後公佈。
  8. 如域名拍賣因任何原因未能於指定時間內完成,主辦單位將根據每階段的最後拍賣日當日之最高拍賣價為準。


  1. 得獎者將獲專人聯絡通知領獎。
  2. 所有參加者提供之個人資料謹供是項比賽之用。
  3. DotAsia員工及其家屬均不得參與是項比賽,以示公允。
  4. 如發現參賽者透過任何不法或不誠實的方法參與是項比賽,主辦單位將取消參加者的資格而不作另行通知。
  5. 所有參加者必須同意比賽的條款及細則
  6. 主辦單位保留更改比賽細則的權利及是項比賽的最終決定權。

Privacy Policy:

  1. All the personal information collected on this website is for the purpose of facilitating the .Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest coordinated or communicated through DotAsia Organisation and/or Think.Asia. Dotasia Organisation and/or Think.Asia will only use the collected information for the stated purpose and will not sell the information to any third party. By providing the requested information, you hereby authorise DotAsia Organisation and /or Think.Asia to use the collected information for the purpose of facilitating the .Asia Hot or Not Domains Appraisal Contest coordinated by or through DotAsia Organisation and/or Think.Asia.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kelvin published on May 25, 2008 6:46 PM.

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